How Public Adjusters Help To Get A Fair Claim Settlement

When you file an insurance claim you hope to get a fair claim settlement. One way to do that is to enlist the help of a public insurance adjuster who does not work for the insurance agency. Instead, the public insurance adjuster does work on behalf of the policyholder!

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Does Your Homeowners Insurance Cover Water Damage?

If water damages your house, will your standard homeowner’s insurance policy cover it? Perhaps. If it’s an abrupt internal water leak, then yes, it should… However, the policy doesn’t cover harm done by neglect or utter disregard… or damage done because of a flood. 

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Fire Insurance Claim Calculation

Whether it’s big or small, encountering a house fire is a terrifying and emotionally upsetting experience. First there’s the actual fire and making sure people don’t get hurt or killed.

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